Missed Call based Proffessional Lead Generation and Data Analytics Platform.
Setup your data-driven business today!

Easy Peasy Setup!

Setup and run your Lead Generation Campaigns within minutes! Set Response SMS, User Active Time, Blocklist, Frequency Settings and Admin Preferences - everything in one step!

Reach More With Campaigns!

Run SMS Marketing from simple interfaced EGMS Campaigns! Select your audience with available filters and send them SMS Blast through One Click! Dont forget to add Dynamic Offer Codes and a Pinch of Love!

Custom Forms for your Data Collection!

Add a custom form to your EGMS Database. Create easily customizable forms using EGMS and starting growing your DataBank!

Professional Lead Generation

Growing Together

How its done?

Single Platform, Different Cases

Get EkGhanti for your business

Try It, Today!

See how it works, Give a Missed Call to 9801 223300 and experience the possibilities of Missed Calls!

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Get EkGhanti Today! and run your business on Missed Calls.